
Governmental Affairs Committee
Chair: James Wansley
The Chamber’s Governmental Affairs committee encourages members to actively participate in appointed and elected positions to city, county, and state positions.
If you are interested in serving on boards and commissions at the State or local level, please see the following information with links to procedures to apply.
State of Texas appointments:
The City of Tyler Boards and Commissions:
Smith County Boards and Commissions:
The City of Whitehouse Boards and Commissions:
The City of Lindale Boards and Commissions:
The City of Bullard Boards and Commissions:
Transportation Committee
Chair: James Murphy
Aggressively promotes the improvement, maintenance and expansion of ground and air transportation
Energy Committee
Chair: Claude Figueroa
Promotes the growth of the oil and gas sector
Veterans Committee
Chair: Jackie Clay
Provides support for expanding the visibility of Veterans and Veteran owned businesses, addressing community related Veteran issues, helping economic growth of the community and focus on legislation
Recruit and maintain membership between the Chamber and the community
Talent/Workforce Planning
Chair: Adam Morrow
Supports the development of quality education and training opportunities in our area.
Medical Committee
Chair: Chris Taylor
Promotes and supports the medical industry in the Tyler/Smith County Area
Senior Resources Committee
Chair: Lisa Lewis
Develops a marketing plan to attract retirees and utilize the talents of retired citizens in Smith County to carry out the mission of the Chamber.
Technology Committee
Chair: Carlos Renteria
Addresses the growth of technology, telecommunications, biotechnology in the Tyler Area.
Supports the growth and engagement of emerging leaders in the Tyler area by offering young professionals the opportunity to connect, grow, and lead.
Assists new and growing Hispanic businesses with planning and growth strategies
Visit Tyler Travel and Tourism Alliance
Chair: Pat Stacey
Provides updates on what is happening with Visit Tyler, including sharing research on visitors, upcoming special events, and ways you may get involved.
SPORTyler Committee
Chair: Shawn Wildt
Attracts sporting events and tourists to Tyler